Question : I'm confused... is this a huge bottle or a 1oz bottle?
Answer : Having worked at Pharmaca for many years, most essential oils come in either 0.25 oz, or a .33 oz bottle, So one ounce of a pure essential oil is kind of considered a huge bottle.
Question : Will it work against ants?
Answer : I'm going to try it for respiratory issues, but for black ants and cleaning your tub/shower, sparkling white, microwave 1/2 cup white vinegar. The cheapest you can find and pour it into spray bottle. Add 1/2 cup blue dawn. Spray shower, tub, etc. Leave as long as you like. Wipe and rinse. (Wiping is optional. You will have the whitest tub/shower ever and all ants will disappear after you do this about 3 times, even if they were never in the bathroom. For 12 years I battled black and. Millions. All year long. I couldn't set anything down while cooking. If they'd smell cucumber body lotion, you'd awake with thousands crawling on you and yes, they do bite. It was so bad I was going to move. I cleaned our tub twice with this homemade cleaner 2 weeks in a row. Ants were gone but it took me a year to connect the 2 things. Then I tested to see if I was correct. Yup. I've had no ants in 5 years.
Question : What kind of lavender oil is this - is it French lavender or some other kind?
Answer : It is distributed by the company out of Denver CO. The labeling states therapeutic grade in diluted. It is strong and should be mixed with other oil if used on skin. I use it for aroma therapy at night and it works like a sleeping pill to me! This brand is great. I have the orange as well, and plan to get more.
Question : So what are the oils in this product?
Answer : These oils are in this product: peppermint, rosemary, lemon and eucalyptus.
Question : What are the different oils in the blend?
Answer : The Stress Relief Blend contains Cananga, Geranium, Lemongrass, and Sweet Orange essential oils.
Question : What blend of oils is this?
Answer : FYI: there is NO VANILLA. The description online lists vanilla (which is the main reason I purchased it/why it came up in my search), and there is NO VANILLA in this blend.
Question : How is a 4oz bottle described as huge?
Answer : Definitely not huge. That's a bit deceiving.
Question : Is this good to rid of spiders?
Answer : 100% peppermint oil is. This particular brand comes already diluted with carrier oils, despite the tit
Question : What oils are in this blend?
Answer : There seem to be several different oils being reviewed here. For the Robbers Blend, the oils are Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, Lemon, and Rosemary. It smells mostly of Cinnamon but works well to treat infections. It does not smell as nice as Thieves oil but is much more affordable.
Question : Is it a true rose scent or perfume like? Fresh or heavy aroma?
Answer : True rose scent, a little heavy (but true rose essence is). Best quality product I have found for the price.